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....did all the images hosted here break at some point? my whole media section is broken images

Cold dew. Temperatures begin dropping. The geese return for the winter. Crickets chirp for the last time in the year. 🏏

some really great art today

no boosts because they don't have image descriptions


when the image breaks,

and the image description is still there,

that's why

In the brief period between the introductions of dial-up Internet and Google, there was a market for link listings on paper
#vintage #gay #lesbian #online #book

joking/shitpost context 

goth gals + furries = witches

I did it, I solved the ancient mystery, I connected the dots :blobuwu:

pre recorded lecturer guy: imagine this darkly lit area, where a mysterious group is gathered, a human with animal features stands on a podium, with glowing red eyes, as the crowd chants,...

me: ugh this is sooo not scary, or even creepy :blobrollingeyes:

it sounds like an awesome night at an underground goth/furry rave :allears:

Autumnal equinox. Day and night are of equal length. Farmers drain their fields and insects hide underground. 🐛

Did you remember?

The 21st day of September is my birthday? 👯

what if I watched a youtube on youtube with youtubers youtubing

it would be cool if there was like any way to look up shit/meta I read in passing on here

too bad posting sources would destroy y'all instantly, what a shame

@goaty for me it's usually a venn diagram of "old/folk instruments" and "anything with strings"

right now I'm obsessed with the hurdy-gurdy

eventually I'd like to learn guitar so I can play surfer rock and country rock (not at the same time) vibes

"wake me up when you remember how September ends" kinda vibe this month :blobcatoh:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!