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@kara I had boosts turned off and trying to decipher this with no context was certainly a time 🤣

all I have to say is thank gosh for modern medicine

would be absolutely miserable today otherwise

food cw | probably not vegan friendly? idk 

I don't know if there's a well known name for it, but I made a bunch of cold s'more's as a treat :bunhdcomfyhappy:

(instead of chocolate squares and a solid marshmallow being melted into 2 graham crackers

it's chocolate chips on marshmallow paste on graham crackers that's chilled in the fridge for at least a few hours)

I don't keep up with SNL very often

but the NYC - Hello Kitty Store sketch holds up, IMHO

food cw 

I better eat just a few of these black bean chips just in case it upsets the tum

(20 chips later) well I guess we're just gonna find out later aren't we :blobcatoh:

caps lock cw 

(suddenly can hear cicadas blasting from outside)


food cw 

on a Lactose Free pizza quest 🚗 💨

whoops...between my overall heat tolerance and how much I hate the whirring of the window AC I forgot it was off for most of the afternoon

OTL sorry pupper

the short version is that all caps makes screenreaders spell out shit sometimes

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food & eating cw 

tried making a spicy curry today, not even like a novelty super spicy one, just a common brand's spicy

which I will admit does have a bit of a kick and after burn, but def not scary spicy

thinking out loud | gender | fandom 

so "crossdressing" seems mostly phased out in NA English, at least within the online spaces I'm in anyway (tl;dr NA is huge)

so my guess is that with the explosion of gender exploration in the 2010s onward that the term "crossplay" doesn't super make sense to keep around anymore

which makes sense, I agree with it :paw_fx90_thumbs_up:

@che5hire yeah, same and I haven't cosplayed a long time

but I haven't heard/read it in awhile, maybe it phased out over the decade?

is 'crossplay' a term still used in cosplay fandom?

precious Pom Grandma got a bit soaked, but since we've gotten home I've dried her off and she's snoozing now

I am really not a fan of putting on more than one layer to go outside

Not so random reminder to WASH YOUR WATER BOTTLE

Check the o ring, wash the straw, wash the little mouth piece if you have one. Don't get sick! Don't drink mold!

crowdfunding, help a trans woman transition to life on the outside after 15 years in prison!

"Kimberly is a kind, generous, and creative trans woman who has faced political repression, transphobia and queerphobia from guards and other prisoners alike, and survived Covid-19 while locked up. She was finally found eligible for parole and is coming home August 29. Transitioning from life behind bars to life in the free world is rife with challenges and can be extraordinarily difficult, so let's pool our resources and give Kimberly some resources to make the whole process softer and smoother. Let's show Kimberly what community looks like out here! "

although I have a raincoat for the grandma pom, she hates wearing the hood 🙃

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!