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Dear international community,

You may be confused by the Americans talking about Labor Day in September instead of May.

This is because, in the 1890s, President Grover Cleveland made the decision to distance Labor Day in the so-called United States from the then-recent Haymarket massacre.

Neofeud is 70% off! Help some native Hawaiians pay some bills, do education work, & keep a roof over the kids as well as complete Neofeud 2! Also you get an anti-capitalist anti-racist #cyberpunk game :)
Thread on Neofeud:

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Its funny hearing "You wouldn't survive a COD Lobby" coming from the same group of people who wouldn't survive a 2nd grade english quiz

tl;dr I really like watching Defunctland it's just too bad it takes time to make great stuff and a fraction of that time to consume it :,)

at the time, I really thought she had just chosen the most spiteful way of saying

"the theme parks are never going to be look like the TV commercials"

which is fair

but I had no idea how much research and planning could go into a theme park visit, specifically these really big name ones

we went to DL in 2009 or 2010 (when she said that), which seems to be way before things got Super Ultra Complicated lol...

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(after watching the Defunctland doc on disney fastpass) ...ya know what

I think my late mother might've actually had a pretty strong point for disneyland/world being 'overrated'

mostly because I had severely *underestimated* how much real hype there is for disney & theme parks

if anyone's curious

yes I have already sketched my dragon-croc sona in a barbie car

I just don't like how the car came out so I want to redo it later

food cw 

kinda thought all non vegan gummies were of the same ish quality but these are clearly worse

I waited so long and at what I hoped was an odd hour to see Barbie because I knew it would be sad

predictably forgot the pocket tissues, but remembered to grab napkins on the way in the specific theater it was showing lol


"SAG-AFTRA votes unanimously to expand its strike to include the games industry. 'Here we go again! Now our video game agreement is at a stalemate too.'"

#gameDev #gaming #gamingNews

mad that I've heard so much AI that the accent on this normie news narrator sounds like one

food cw | not vegetarian or vegan friendly 

it's not like I'm allergic to this order it or won't eat it

but teriyaki goes better with brown rice and white chicken meat (IMHO!)

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today's just one of those days ain't it

(gal at the drive through heard my order wrong and I didn't notice until I got home)

if any of you are looking for permission to slow down, say no, stay home, cancel important things, not go, go home early, stay on the couch, rest with no agenda, take a bath instead of a shower, close the laptop, take a nap, try to take a nap, rest for no reason, accomplish less, stop hustling, end the grind, collapse, or sleep, than here it is: permission to stop everything is ✨granted✨

kinda want to rewatch Odd Taxi but I think I'm much closer to passing out so generic blah tv it is 📺

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!