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@kara that's a bummer, my PS4 copy seems fine?

although I can't say I'm much of an expert, since I'm barely into Inazuma content-wise and hold back my AR to a low level :/

hey did....Mihoyo just give up on releasing Honkai Rail for the ps4?

I can't find any info about it anymore :(

caps lock 

"7 design trends that aren't practical" alright what are these wacky normies up to

number 6: chandeliers over bathtubs

me, instantly: NO!!!!! OMG NO!!! WTF WHY?!?

I watched all the "we're back!" late night guys and the only one I think was actually worth the time was TWTwJO

gotta admit I knew *something* was missing, I just didn't expect late night talk shows to create such a gap in youtube recommendations

ok now I'm mentioning Doki Doki Literature Club spoilers a bit 

mostly just sticking around because I've watched like 2 or 3 of the most fucked up endings, but not the start of the game

now that I've seen it I'll probably just bounce...

not really into Same Face uwu character design (3 of the 4 gals have pink as a hair color...why?) and fucked up endings

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I am doing *such* a good job of not spoiling anything in this streamers no-spoilers DDLC play through

whenever I do get back into P5 is going to be the best time because I named myself Lauren McLovin as an ultra super goof

but later on classmates and stuff call you, "McLovin-Kun" and L M A O


hope the gi office is open when I get back from walking the dog because I (singing) Fooorgoooooot~ 🎶

Covid vax 

I just got my booster at Walgreens, even though the pharmacy tried to tell me that ~unfortunately~ my (state provided) insurance doesn't cover Covid boosters anymore

So I said according to I should be able to get it free of change no matter what, & lists this Walgreens location as a provider, so how can we fix this? They said they needed to "check some things", & then I magically got it for free instead of $155.99

Know what you're owed!

gonna start watching Mysteria Friends because I almost forgot it existed again

also going to pray and hope it's not another Maid Dragon disaster :blobpray:

just maybe, just this one time, maybe, smutty fanfic will cure me and my problems lol

drum... AND bass??? has science gone too far

silver lining to being a nobody online artist is that it's unlikely my art is going to get used for AI bs :blobcatoh:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!