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my non-dominant wrist is kinda achy...but it's my non-dominant hand...

oh no did I wear it out from typing fic?!

Sappho, the inventor of sapphism
Achilles, the inventor of achilleanism
Bicycles, the inventor of bisexuality

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@goaty thought about it...and I think I have more nostalgia for the music from SMB 1-3 era than the gameplay lol 😅

but yeah, the mario fandom is a beast, thankful I keep my distance most of the time

@mynameistillian the point I forgot to get to (my bad; sorry) is that I don't do sports or exercise to be "good" at it (I'm not on any teams)

I make the time to do them because I like moving around, and I usually feel less stressed after

it often feels like my brain gears won't move unless I'm moving
in that it's difficult to think through a full plan or process something more complicated unless I'm moving around

@mynameistillian I still haven't figured out how to get properly timed "workouts" to fit with my brain

but at least over time I've figured out which sports/exercises I enjoy vs which stuff I can put up with vs the stuff I cant or wont do

tl;dr walking has been the easiest for me, but I enjoy swimming the most

idk who needs to hear this but: please, please look up reference of people eating or drinking the thing you're trying to draw

at the very least get pics of yourself doing to the thing as reference

*we have the technology*

how many times have you had covid?

(boost for reach! im genuinely curious)

before I get mobbed of COURSE I remember the bops I just forgot the group name OTL

I have never claimed to have a good memory for names

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it's part 2 of the K-POP afternoon after I remembered TWICE exists

I finally found some fidget/stim toys that have keychains on them (or can be attached to a keychain) ✨

lol I just realized the seasons bot has the Sport Cricket emoji and not 🦗 emoji lol

Cold dew. Temperatures begin dropping. The geese return for the winter. Crickets chirp for the last time in the year. 🏏

my hand has been acting up again, and I know what stretches I need to do, I'm just tired of the cycle

I love you 1.5 line spacing but you betray me every time thinking I've written more than I actually have by making it look longer than it actually is OTL

...are the fucking *shampoo commercials* using AI instead of voice overs???

le sigh, the fun brainstorming part of writing is over and if I want to continue with these ideas I must actually flesh them out, weh


woof, spicy curry is spicy, tune in later for more info 🍛

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!