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I am a Native Hawaiian begging you not to vacation to Hawaii, cause OUR HOMES BURNED IN LAHAINA, the US military POISONED OUR WATER, and MY HOME MAY BECOME UNINHABITABLE SOON due to overuse. WE DON'T NEED A SHIT JOB, WE NEED OUR HOME AND WATER! STAY THE FUCK HOME!!!

lol I feel like that kangaroo yogi from Aggretsuko sometimes


food & beverage mentioned 

idk who needs to read/hear this but

put down the caffeinated whatever drink

put it down :paw_fx90_point_down:

and go eat something with protein in it ASAP, like 10g or more

My friend and I are homeless and staying in a motel while we try to hit more permanent housing. We need $20 to be able to cover the security deposit for our motel room tomorrow. The room is already booked. Can you please help or share? #MutualAid #transcrowdfund #crowdfund

the table behind me was old school emos,... or very young and we're in some sort of an emo renaissance (do youngins know Gir???)

Christmas songs 

Also I don't like thinking about how it's a "retro " song, cuz then I remember I am infact, getting older all the time lol :blobsweats:

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Christmas songs 

Most of the time pop remixes of x-mas songs are fine IMHO, but Last Christmas by WHAM! Is perfect as is leave it the FUCK alone!!!

There's a rando a table ahead of me that legit looks like a TV/movie hacker, maroon hoodie with the hood up, iced coffee, tablet setup with cables and accessories


Christmas mentioned 

It's on me for thinking 24/7 diner at 1:40 am wouldn't have an ominous vibe, but the X-Mas music is really topping it

Little snow. Light snowfall appears. Northern winds have blown the last leaves from the trees. 🌨


me, watching a mess of oil being created as I try to pan fry something: maybe I should stick to baking. . .

today I learned there's an uppercase and lowercase thorn Þ þ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!