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a witch isnt a white lady homeopath that can realign your spine and cure your asthma, a witch is a queer gothy genderfuck who works night shifts at a hospital and still somehow finds time to sit down and lend you an ear when you need it, can totally give you a weird fucky homemade ointment and some homegrown weed to go with it grown out of the fucked together remains of her hydroponic experimentation interest fixation

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the eternal question, sought by many

am I getting sick or can my terrible state be cured with some otc pain killers and sleep?

drug meme 

oh yeah? you have 100 girlfriends that really really really really really really love you?

well, I have a hundred weed smoking girlfriends so...,

420 & alcohol cw 

I am perhaps, not regular intoxicated, but *Advanced Intoxicated* lol

sorry I had other stuff in the box and thought I had already tooted it XwX);;;

I saw exactly *1* post on social media about how 2024 should be about "drawing more hot dragons" because it's the year of the dragon and I almost yelled out loud,


2 minutes into a webkinz lore video and omggggg I regret thinking I was too old for this in its heyday, the furry/anthro character designs are so cute!!!

I'm so glad the pupper is doing well but that means I have to walk her 2-3 times a day and it's coooold outsiiiiide 😫​

which set of pronouns do you think are the most "anonymous"?

feel free to boost for a bigger sample size

I feel so guilty, spotify actually recommended a decent (original?) classical piece,

but I immediately assumed it was a new Homestuck song because of the intense complexity of it :psyduck:

Vent, AI 

I hate being let down by people I thought were smarter willingly messing around with Algorithm Imaging (I refuse to call it AI art as there's nothing intelligent about it). I refuse to engage with communities or individuals who do so, but it's getting harder to find places online to chill because more people treat it as a cute toy rather than the harmful shit it is.

Algorithms make being online a thoroughly miserable experience.

i was told to do 7 of these extremely challenging puzzles where i have to match a floor plan to one of 10 images


I looked it up: Shrinky Dinks have been around since the 70's but gained popularity in the 80's


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I am in total shock that there are humans about my age from the US that have never heard of shrinky dinks :blobsweats:

not some random tiktok guy on youtube telling *ME* how fucking shrinky dinks work

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!