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storygraph this isn't a game I reviewed a middle school version of a book like it was the unfiltered version *C'MON LET ME UNDO THIS*

oommmmggg I reviewed and rated the wrong version of a book

why is this storygraph designed in such a way that I can't undo this right away (keyboard smash)

@goaty this one is my fave, if I had the spare money I would jump on this so fast!

I love 4 panel comics :3

doing these stupid things again. $3 for a character standing and saying something or $10 for a stupid 4-panel comic. i'll come up with dialog/actions if you don't want something specific but keep in mind i'm drawing these bad on purpose! gimme a ref for your character after you donate and i'll try to get em done today (i don't have work but meats does so i'm just chillin at home). examples here

Rain waters. Snow melts away, mist lingers in the air, and grasses begin to sprout. Trees release their first buds as the ground fills with water. 🌧

the reoccurring tragedy of me sneezing out of nowhere which startles my precious lil grandma pom :blobsob:

@mynameistillian I've been in a similar rage-depressed mood when AIs stole my drawing/painting job :) the one I went to art school for

Friday night report -- my friend is raising money to help cover the vet bills for a cat she sadly lost.

This is unfortunately compounded by the fact that she also was injured at work, and her workplace does not have workman's comp.

if you can share or donate, please do!

had a dream someone told me I had the flu or a cold

to wake up to the apt being super cold lol

tired to take a bath to soothe the back and, we're out of hot water :)

OTL trying a heating patch but I had to throw one away because it stuck onto itself before I could get it onto the spot on my back

today is a Day

Slow, imperfect progress is better than none at all.

a friend of mine is trying to get back home to Florida from Texas after getting kicked out of her home by her partner yesterday. she's in a bad spot with no vehicle or job, having gotten rid of both to help support him. she has family in FL, but just needs to be able to get herself and her belongings there

if there is anything that you can spare, i would truly appreciate it


I spun around a lil too fast and now my baaackk huuurts 👵

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!