@dragon grilled cheese
or a s'more if we're being creative about what counts as a sandwich :3
"There will only be #peace with #Palestine free"
"#Ceasefire. Stop #genocide"
"No pride in #apartheid"
"Free the land"
#collage spotted in #Geneva
Ping @RadicalGraffiti
Title: Frost (1960)
Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro
https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-glances/jg00127/winter-in-japan.html #SosakuHanga #KasamatsuShiro #Showa #Snow #Winter #Frost #Japan
Title: Hatakudori, Shiobara (1946)
Artist: Hasui Kawase
https://www.japan.travel/national-parks/parks/nikko/explore/ #ShinHanga #HasuiKawase #Art #Showa #Snow #Winter #Shiobara #Nikko #Tochigi #Japan
Grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)
📸 Andrew Mercer (CC BY-SA)
although I guess this is a great explanation of how audio processing can feel like
sometimes it's not that bad and everything is so clear and- welp, now it's not, and I don't understand anything-
back and forth, in and out, over and over, to the point where having a audible conversation doesn't feel like it's worth it
I want the dislike button back so bad, I want to dislike this video to hell and then shove it into the earth's most inner core so nobody has to deal with it
I've had to toggle the auto captions on and off this video like 4 times already because this garbage creator can't figure out if they want to keep them on or not
which is such a villain asshole dumpster fire of ableist move I hadn't even considered that I would ever experience it, let alone how to deal with it
🔮 astrology | 420 | slice of life | animation | comics | visual 2D artist | furry/scaly ✨
"These fists tell a story! And it's a story of love and friendship!" - Pokemon X & Y
⚠️ CW/TW: I love storms, use a lot of caps lock, and old school emoticons :3
🔞 I don't post NSFW material, but might share it
((also online at @mechadragon ))
[current avatar commissioned from Fray https://fray.tumblr.com]