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Feel like catching up on some cartoons today, might start a new anime

Streamer was talking about Metric (music), I mention they sound familiar, remember they did a song in the Scott Pilgrim movie and now I got someone in chat to start reading the comic.... :blobfearful:

My actions have consequences..... :blobsweats:

hydration quest 

day 1 of trying to be hydrated and wow this is so much fuckin' water 🌊 🥤

I'm unusually energetic for this late hour... turns out napping on and off all day after the dentist *does* have consequences...

got a new tooth brush, new water bottle is on the way

takin' care of MYSELF 💪 😎 💪

it's a quicker step if you're paying for the game if you can buy the things from the market board but no, I gotta play for the free stuff from the game so I did it the Old School way which took

like 3 months

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finally Finally FINALLY finished step 2 of the 10 step Relic Weapon quest in FFXIV

(US) do you think it is a good idea to physically attend an indoor convention(s) this year? 🤔

wildfire smog has combined with city smog to create Ultra Smog 🌫️ 😷 🌆

did *1* emotionally draining task so I'm clearing out the rest of my schedule for today :bunhdcomfy:

(US) do you think it is a good idea to physically attend an indoor convention(s) this year? 🤔

more p5 yelling 

omg Mishima you can't just run a whole forum by yourself!

you need mods Mishima!!

ACNH | in-game food mentioned 

forgot to post about it, but ACNH fireworks festivals really helped me get out of a funk yesterday

logged in early to tidy up my lil house and my island, got to pick out some new Kimonos from the online kiosk thing for the season, ate some in-game cotton candy and boba!! ice cream!!

little in-game hangouts with villagers and friends :bunhdheart:

re: + & - | Skyrim | personal opinions below 

tl;dr looking at this game for too long gives me psychic damage, but I am intrigued with all the different skills and things I can do with a character

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+ & - | Skyrim | personal opinions below 

so I'm watching a pal play Skyrim, I can see *why* people think it's an impressive game, it's like...

a whole D&D campaign with all the annoying stuff baked in, so it's a smoother experience where you forget there's like a million things interacting with each other at once

but dang why is this game

*SO UGLY*!!!

I'm ok with caves and ruins being grungy & dirty but why are ALL the textures hyper detailed for the worse, why is Everyone's Face Like That?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!