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very excited, finished the hourlies, gonna take a shower and then read fanfic in bed B)

like on one hand it's cute, but on another I'm known for being loud and expressive so it feels a bit strange to be drawn with a mouth that isn't visible

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testing out different styles before I jump into the hourlies

drew myself with a moomin shaped head, now I've got mixed feelings about drawing myself without a mouth

I got 2 laughs in the sibling/cousin group chat: the meme was success

if I can figure out the library scanner I will post them here

if it's too much of a hassle they stay on paper lol

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I'm drawing for hourly comic day but I am probably not going through the effort of digitizing it for the net

ok now I'm pretty sure my fandom pattern is more like

1. the main pairing, or the ship I like the most

2. oh wait, I really like this poly ship (so & so has 2 hands)

3. oh wait, I ran out of fic for the poly ship, back to monogamous ships

I figure as far as bad decisions go, at least I was trying to be funny

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Hold onto your seats everyone, I'm gonna try and send a *meme* in the sibling/cousin group chat

(plays Lonely Rolling Star)

actually everything is okay, for the next 5 minutes anyway 🎶

genuinely thought if I didn't use certain skills like every day they would vanish

yet I can jump back into photoshop or sketch something out no prob

if i had a penny for every time there was a long-running TV series about a weird guy named bob who loves to cook burgers, i’d only have two pennies, but it’s still weird that it’s happened twice


Lol I forgot fillings means a shot lolololol ;w;

finally caught up and finished rereading My Solo Exchange Diary (1/2)

now I can finally read the later books in the series that I checked out like,... 2 months ago

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!