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if you're art isn't abstract and doesn't have a description, I'm not, booooosting it 🎶

ad mentioned | 420/cannabis 

"hate being cat-fished? there's an edible for that"

oh shit, is she gonna drop the never-ending-high brownie on'em?
right before family and friends come over for hours and hours? 🤣


had one of those days where I tried making like 3 different foods and they all turned out garbage

at least the frozen garlic bread is too simple to fuck up, but damn 😭 think I wasted more food than take out would've cost

excited to look up some free to download 3D print models (my local library has a tech center that can print out stuff for you)

I wonder what sort of scans of Ancient Egyptian sculptures are uploaded 🤩

(800 busts of Nefertiti later)

woo! Lion statue!!!

almost forgot, but I had a dream about a rhinoceros beetle that supposedly would grow up into a siamese cat

something that would be considered a real problem while copying art: you make a physical master copy with over the top accuracy of using era supplies, with the intention of selling it as the original

not a problem: making a master copy, posting it online, getting faves or likes

"oh no I can't perform a play using this script, someone else wrote it"

"oh darn someone else wrote these lyrics so I can't sing this song"

do y'all realize how ridiculous this is yet

if you deny yourself practice how are you supposed to get better???

:blobsweats:​ are new artists not being taught about master studies? (or "master copies")

read a post elsewhere where someone was like,
"I never copy things, even if it's public domain. what a shame this painting is amazing"

pal, I think we all know you didn't invent the classic, that doesn't mean you can't learn something from the process!

the "anti tracing" poison runs so deep in the artist community :blobsad:​ it's legit depressing

so proud of my lil pom, tried a new liquid medication on her wet food, she'll eat anything as long as meat is involved 😄

weather seems like it won't be too bad tomorrow so I changed my mind on laundry

already tired, I don't wanna go out to do laundry =m=); weh

caps lock 


((this time it's some sort I wasn't in the room when the intro played))

Going-out of the insects. That time of year when the first bugs surface from their hibernation. Caterpillars start their transformation to butterflies. 🦋

the lure of the online imported stationary store almost had me in its grip,

"what if I had a rainbow of different sized dry erase markers"

but I don't have a dry erase board so, phew! I'm safe, for now...

fuuuuuck I haven't listened to my metal playlist in a loooooong time 🐊🎸⚡☠️🔊

after further inspection the library mods to the chromebook make it... not ideal (can't install extensions)

but like I checked it out to apply for jobs and check e-mail and it can def do those things so I'll just deal with it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!