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Geno-cide mural spotted in Hackney WHackney wick, Londonick, London

(actually opens the "time machine" app instead of just making back-ups on my mac in the first time in years)

woooaaah,... trippy,.... this is so the Avatar State :blob_dizzy_face:

forgot a water bottle in the car and it slushified overnight

Kimba the White Lion spoilers ? 

damn is Kimba a sad cartoon

in the first 2 episodes he's lost his dad to poachers,

had to abandon the sinking ship he & his mom were on because he was only one small enough to fit through the cage bars,

had to swim + walk all the way back to the jungle that he was taken from

to be captured AGAIN, but this time Kimba befriends a human that swears to return him home

only to watch his newest guardian die in front of him from dehydration in the desert 😭 like damn!

I'm back to using an hourly chime app and I like having the reminder time is passing

too bad I could never afford a handmade clock that chimes :(

in other news I'm testing the limits of my local library by putting as many holds on Delicious in Dungeon volumes as the system will allow me

proud of myself for getting up earlier than usual this week to work on stuff at the library ✨

wondering if I should make a second cup of tea (ran out of coffee) :thinkhappy:

caps lock | ??? 



I think we're back-back, who wants to bet on me getting a movie length ad on ps4 youtube within the year

wanna clarify that real isn't how online they are, but how many people we could get to try a new medium or genre in total

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imagine if we had a real wave of moms and grandmas get into fandom spaces

imagine the chaos :)

two older women watching Code Geass in the hallway at the hospital????

Vernal equinox. When winter is gone and spring starts. Sparrows begin to nest in the trees. Cherry blossoms start to bloom. Heavy rains bring distant thunder. 🌸

"Oh no! Tagging in your gentrified neighborhood"
Seen in Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!