Title: Mount Fuji from Kami-Ide (c.1930)
Artist: Takahashi Shotei
https://jw-webmagazine.com/5-best-cherry-blossom-spots-around-mt-fuji-10f6902b4c8e/ #ShinHanga #TakahashiShotei #Art #Showa #Spring #MtFuji #Japan
Kimba the White Lion spoilers ?
damn is Kimba a sad cartoon
in the first 2 episodes he's lost his dad to poachers,
had to abandon the sinking ship he & his mom were on because he was only one small enough to fit through the cage bars,
had to swim + walk all the way back to the jungle that he was taken from
to be captured AGAIN, but this time Kimba befriends a human that swears to return him home
only to watch his newest guardian die in front of him from dehydration in the desert 😭 like damn!
Title: Spring Night at Inokashira (1931)
Artist: Hasui Kawase
https://www.space.com/35891-march-full-moon.html #ShinHanga #HasuiKawase #Art #Spring #FullMoon #WormMoon #Japan
imaginary pixel art mushrooms
green and purple #pixelart #mastoart #fediart #art
support my work https://ko-fi.com/maruki
wanna clarify that real isn't how online they are, but how many people we could get to try a new medium or genre in total
🔮 astrology | 420 | slice of life | animation | comics | visual 2D artist | furry/scaly ✨
"These fists tell a story! And it's a story of love and friendship!" - Pokemon X & Y
⚠️ CW/TW: I love storms, use a lot of caps lock, and old school emoticons :3
🔞 I don't post NSFW material, but might share it
((also online at @mechadragon ))
[current avatar commissioned from Fray https://fray.tumblr.com]