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Caps lock 

FORGOT THE AIRFLY (aux to bluetooth) OTL


Turns out airports aren't so bad when you're fed and caffeinated

Senshi would be mildly proud- mostly annoyed, 'cuz I didn't touch any of the veggies of this meal lol

Caps Lock | 420 


WHERE IS THE CATCH??? :blobinlove: THANK YOU?!

I could really do without the dehydration headaches, thanks

"System change not climate change / Do not panic, organize"
Stencils spotted in Cardiff, Wales

can you develop muscle memory on a non-physical keyboard, like most modern phones (boost please :boost_requested: )

getting to goof around in splatoon 1 while the server should've been down was a great reminder that I don't have to perceive any meta material/fandom rules to enjoy a game :3

forgot to clarify I do love pool rooms, but I know those are 3D models, so it's fine that they look polished

the lack of doors or windows kinda achieves the same surreal effect

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also starting to think I'm the only one that has reoccurring dreams in the tunnels/hallways of a sports stadium/event center??

like I've had backroom vibe dreams, but it was in random assortment of stairs going up or down, and left or right curved hallways, no windows or rooms, doors lead to more hallways

this might just be me, but in my opinion, I think lineal spaces are less about nostalgia, and more about abandoned dread

I just don't get the same vibes from places that are just, empty at the moment, after hours vibes

it's gotta be late at night, overgrown or otherwise clearly abandoned, terrible lighting, and a constant fear that maybe someone is around the corner and pissed that you're there

tl;dr the venn diagram of urban exploring and lineal spaces is more or less a whole circle IMHO

TIL that sex hormones (estrogen and/or testosterone) are related to bone mass,...huh, about that

wondering what exactly I did wrong today that I normally don't do

or maybe it really was the extra wind that's blowing around the plains

I was secretly hoping if it was too windy the flight would get cancelled/delayed but I guess we can't have Plane-CEO crying themselves to sleep losing any income ⬅️ that last part is sarcasm/a joke

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back at home and thankfully the nausea meds did their job

but, like, wow! I've never had 2 flights in a row where the landing made me nauseous (specifically the swaying left and right of the plane)

🤢 had to use a nausea pill on both flights today

Think im over flying

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!