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is anybody else getting toots that don't load images at all but give you 4 links ending in dot png or jpeg?

thought this was exclusive to dot webp format so,...what's goin on?

tempted to get more stamps and send letters

to... people

do we do sticker exchanges here on masto??


a lot of these (USA) biscuits in a can came out more like orbs, no seam lol

thinking about a furry olympics (or equivalent) where the running categories are bipedal only, mixed style, and quadruped only

surprise twist, it's not reliant on default walking style, bipedal participants sometimes prefer the mixed or quadruped

aaahhhh 💖 !!

the bearded dragon in Super Animal Royale is soooo fucking cuuuute!

I keep looking over at this lil creature and I think I might need a bearded dragon sona now

er, the whatever phone has the same number as the one you started with?

the sim?

idk, it's a hassle

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deleted my telegram account

as a heads up you have to the phone you registered it with?

I wasn't able to find a way via the app or the website by itself

tempted to write the LONGEST review to point out all of the CONTEXT but I'm absolutely sure it wouldn't be worth the effort

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gotta say it's weird to see people reviewing a manga negatively,...on the local library site,...

y'all didn't have to pay anything for this comic book, why are there so many "pointless" reviews?

society is the worst

not that I usually DO know what y'all are talking about

but what the FUCK are y'all talking about???

for the millionth time, don't blame the regular person for decisions made by business majors

yeah I hate that recreational cannabis has been white washed/corporate cleaned

but people love to conveniently forget that liquor stores (in most of the US anyway) are often RIGHT next to, if not INSIDE of MOST grocery stores

and liquor ads are EVERYWHERE

do y'all actually want to do anything about any of this or is this another episode of

"make anyone who isn't me feel like shit"


last boost

does anybody else make such beautiful blues and purples in print making as Japanese printmakers do 😍

I'll clarify I'm being a bit snarky/sarcastic, but this is still a legit question

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forgive me and my silly US 'merican ways, but I thought we were boycotting Eurovision? 🤔 ?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!