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shout out to the fast food burger peeps who gave me a double patty burger at the price of a single 💞 🍔 💕 ✨

oh, yeah, my single window AC decided to start fussing at the worst time of year

like, it's shooting out air that's cool, but not cold

really hope it can get fixed tomorrow :blobpray:​✨

it's nice when asking for something from a family member goes really, really well :3

Seeds and cereals. The time of year when people start to seed the soil. Praying mantises hatch. Rotten grass become home to fireflies. The plums become more yellow. 🌱

I'm just now looking into watching Columbo, somebody could've gotten me on this train a lot sooner if they told me the episodes are movie length!!

as a reminder my christian conservative sister thinks Rugrats (the 90's cartoon) is problematic

she also hates the vigilante angle of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

it's a lose-lose game trying to appease to them





part of it is just "this is how long I can stand growing out my hair"

part of it is "I think this feels more animalistic/natural to grow out my hair in the fall/winter to cut it short in the summer"

also, it's cheaper to get 1 haircut a year lololol

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I have finally waited long enough!

it's finally warm enough to wear shorts, so I no longer need a mane of hair to keep my head warm 💇

the "telling my kids" memes are funny but i think "telling ur kids" is funnier, i am sowing misinformation in your family hold

is anybody else getting toots that don't load images at all but give you 4 links ending in dot png or jpeg?

thought this was exclusive to dot webp format so,...what's goin on?

tempted to get more stamps and send letters

to... people

do we do sticker exchanges here on masto??


a lot of these (USA) biscuits in a can came out more like orbs, no seam lol

thinking about a furry olympics (or equivalent) where the running categories are bipedal only, mixed style, and quadruped only

surprise twist, it's not reliant on default walking style, bipedal participants sometimes prefer the mixed or quadruped

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!