Title: Houses at Nishijin (c.1990s-2000s)
Artist: Nishijima Katsuyuki
https://www.tsunagujapan.com/let-s-stroll-around-nishijin-enjoy-the-traditional-kyoto-townscape/ #ShinHanga #SosakuHanga #NishijimaKatsuyuki #Art #Nishijin #Kyoto #Japan
part of it is just "this is how long I can stand growing out my hair"
part of it is "I think this feels more animalistic/natural to grow out my hair in the fall/winter to cut it short in the summer"
also, it's cheaper to get 1 haircut a year lololol
Please recall Recall 🙏
All it takes is 2 lines of code, to steal it all.
🔮 astrology | 420 | slice of life | animation | comics | visual 2D artist | furry/scaly ✨
"These fists tell a story! And it's a story of love and friendship!" - Pokemon X & Y
⚠️ CW/TW: I love storms, use a lot of caps lock, and old school emoticons :3
🔞 I don't post NSFW material, but might share it
((also online at @mechadragon ))
[current avatar commissioned from Fray https://fray.tumblr.com]