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Long | fall 

It took me awhile to really get the whole leafer/leafing aesthetic, I grew up in a place where leaves fall randomly or not at all

The only reason why I'm even aware of the term leafers is because of that family guy ep 😳

But yeah, thought about how much people like the gradients in mangoes and realized the whole tree is like a mango

Each leaf is like a pixel, a cross stitch, or a tile in a mosaic, creating not only 1 huge gradient but each leaf has it's own gradient too

like, not saw an owl far off in the distance, but an owl swooped right by my dog and I to land on the nearest telephone poll :O

it was cool :O

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Still can't get over the fact that in the same day I was thinking about Kaepora Gaebora (LoZ:OoT) I saw a great horned owl :O

gotta be some sort of sign 🦉 ✨

food/eating tw | not vegan or vegetarian 

ordered a burger from (big burg place) and I think it's hilariously sad that the "spicy mustard" isn't any kind of Dijon, but regular 'ole yellow mustard

L O L 🤣

Please, don't panic: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been published on October 12, 1979.

Exactly 42 years ago 🙊


when I describe myself as a "cis-lady" does that sound cute in a US southern/feminine way, or does it sound TERF-y? 🤔 💭 Egyptian Hieroglyphs a language you can pick on AO3 now? 🤔

Honestly I had no idea so many ppl were still using FB, even though most ppl are aware now of how FB tracks you and spreads misinformation....


I would love a tumblr Renaissance, but apparently users are so used to being spoon-fed content they don't know how to hand pick who to follow without it :/

at least in the time I've moved out I forgot what day american football airs so at least I'm kinda healing

so apparently today is FMA day, Mean Girls day, AND national Boy Friend day (according to bird site)

=m=);;; gonna just...stay offline today I guess

so ya there's probably other stuff to unpack but at least I'm not idealizing manifest destiny bullshit :blobrollingeyes:

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would like to clarify when I was reblogging cottage core stuff on tumblr it wasn't a

"wow I love little house on the prairie! gotta move out and somehow make a farm for myself"


"wow I'd sure like to be outside rn"

well, the good news about having to take everything out of the lower cabinets is that I got to rearrange everything and it looks ~organized~

Bugs tw 

So I was able to clean out the bathroom cabinet without any trouble

But the second I opened the kitchen under-the-sink cabinet like 6 roaches started running around in every direction and it startled me, I'm leaving that for later :abunhdcry:

At least I know the top cabinets aren't connected, and the kitchen drawers are easy to pull out

Just really hate watching that many big bugs run around!!! 😱😖😭

Bugs mentioned 

Exterminator is coming over tomorrow

Got some vague ass instructions about what to prep for tomorrow so I'm just gonna clean up anyway

I'm still low key embarrassed to even admit I have roaches, everything must be spotless to prove I didn't invite them :battery_low:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!