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Omg this invasion, I like it, ANOTHER!

Froyo boosted

lewd, cursed 

do you think mario calls his dick super mario maker

selfie, sorta eye contact 

@Scarly @Chel I am honored :blobuwu:

selfie, sorta eye contact 

@Chel @Scarly settling is for cishets

Believe in the Froyo that believes in you :blobnom:

@ari @Chel I didn't know this but know I can't unknow it


@Chel @tas Nor people insistent on """hearing both sides""" (TM)

(The topic was power going out but their expressions were still fucking priceless)

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I think I managed to offend my family by cursing God

This pleases me it's ok poc are only boring relative to our usual awesome. It passes.

selfie, sorta eye contact 


Froyo boosted

:drake_dislike: saying yes to things you don’t want to do out of a sense of obligation
:drake_like: saying no to things you don’t want to do and holding your ground when people try to guilt you

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nb folx: there's a good few dozen known gender identities beyond the traditional binary but don't worry, all you need to do is recognize non-binary people exist and treat us with dignity
the cis: OMG how are we supposed to keep track of all these THOUSANDS of genders we're suddenly supposed to know about?!


@Chel the best reason to contact aliens is to get more advanced forms of it

Tell ur friends

Me: i should start exercising, eating better and studying for it's own sake.

Also me: *laying in bed for hours on their 3rd cup of coffee and only an arepa in my stomach* shitposting gud

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@Zelli @Chel I'm sure there's an Empty Bottle joke to be made here

But also yes long live The Fairies ;w;

Don't go down again ;___; my heart is frail

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!