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Someone handing me 50$: I know it's not alot of money but...

Me: That's alot of money...

dysphoria, hormone blockers 

So I just had a massive blast of dysphoria after reading some debates about puberty blockers and now I am very high anxiety. Aaaa. This is not something I am used to, I am lucky enough to generally not have many issues with dysphoria, but sometimes it appears, and whew boy does it hit like a truck

The characters in this DnD game I am DMing are the ultimate fantasy centrists. Yeah guys, they literally destroyed five full cities, control the entire continent by force and frequently murder anyone that disagrees with them, I think they might be the baddies.

Also, haven't really been using Mastodon much of late, I've been super busy, but I miss it, y'all are cool and cute and I want to read more of your terrible content

Super hyped to restart the DnD game I've been running for ages thats been on hold for the last year ~ my plan for next session has grown into an unwieldy beast as I have slowly added to it over the year

fire emblem 

okay upon further reading it would appear the last game did in fact include a couple homosexual options but given I played through all three versions of that and didnt encounter any Im really hoping that this time they will be getting a lot more prevalent

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fire emblem 

okay so for the first time (afaik) Fire Emblem might finally have queer characters/relationships and honestly I am hella excited, Fire Emblem is one of my favourite game series but has always stuck with pretty safe hetero relationship options and if this turns out to be true it is super exciting and gives me a lot of hope that Three Houses might be trying to really make the game something else aaaa I wanna be gay in my fantasy tactics dating sim

problematic debate 

one of the worst situations is when you are coerced into a debate with someone you can't really afford to piss off and they just keep sharing the most terrible opinions and you cant just outright say how awful they are but you don't want to pretend to agree so you just have to try and debate with them from a position that is almost as awful but at least slightly less awful and aaaa why are people like this

I appear to have accidentally broken reality and ended up with an endless quantity of "stuff"

Like seriously I have been packing for 6 hours and my room looks exactly as cluttered as it did before literally where does all this shit come from!?

more like the gaystation. more like the sex box. more like the nintendo switch

but if I learn to play the ukulele I lose the whole conversation tree about how i can't play the ukulele and like that's a tree I've gotten pretty good at, can't go letting decent conversation lines go just to "develop myself" and "re-engage with a musical part of me I have mostly let wither for the last four years of my life", be reasonable here

I spend too much time trying to think of ways my modded minecraft skills could be relevant in the rest of my life. They are valuable skills, I'm sure, one day an employer will see "Great at SkyFactory" and just hire me on the spot, I just gotta wait for that day.

life update + 

Well, huh, its been a super intense few weeks, I haven't really spent much time on here, which is a shame, but I've been pretty busy travelling around the place visiting people I haven't seen in far too long. Spent some time in Edinburgh and York, just spent a weekend in Hull doing a LARP, which was incredible fun but also holy fuck so exhausting.

Its been a really good couple weeks, but I'm looking forward to going to stay with my dad for the summer and having a "proper" break.

politics, protest, transphobia, cw 

So a faction of the Scottish National Party have been super dodgy recently after a bunch of TERFs submitted responses to the formal consultation on changing the Gender Recognition Act to be less shit

As such I have journeyed up to the frozen north to shout at their parliament, I got rained on (again) but it's okay because I look queer and angry and powerful that's all we really need.

pictured: me dual wielding justice

Okay but literally how do people function with being surrounded by so many incredible hot people all the time like help I have so many crushes I don't even have time to think about all of them let alone seduce them all

cuties with eye contact 

Both wore purple and both wore some home made clothes 💜 :blobLove:

#finefemmefriday ?

Literally anyone:
Literally anyone:
Literally anyone:
Me: help i love you


im high and for some reason am really craving validation so if you have any lying around not being used feel free to yeet it over my way :3

mildly lewd 

My explanation for shit going missing all the time is that god is stealing my stuff because otherwise I am likely to eat it, use it for crimes, or put it in my butt, and any of those things would make me far too powerful.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!