i don't like mashable
stumbled upon this. https://mashable.com/2017/04/05/mastodon-wont-survive
that was more than a year ago.
and last time I checked masto was a lot better than twitter.
conclusion: fuck mashable.
spoiler (if it really is a spoiler, i was just memeing around, marking as spoiler anyway, just in case)
@maple something happens. Something *dramatic*.
lol idk i don't watch petscop
@maple wait I'm supposed to use the mouse like normal people? /s
@lnmds especially if you are responsible for a server and chinese gov takes it down in a way that you have 0 access to it and you can't even migrate data away from it until you are back from holidays.
yes, yes you are.
@lnmds sometimes.
@mary I'm aware
@mary i'm also running arch on the same machine where I got a sane, up to date gcc. But I want it on macOS as well.
@mary what
@mary that's what I am doing now. I learned!
@techied normal cmd-shift-esc does the same on macOS, but I took the shortcut which kills the focused window.
@mary salty.
@mary is that how elixire encrypts passwords?
Yeah I'm that guy who does stuff. Sounds familiar?