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being bored at work is a novel experience that i never got when i worked in customer service

work was slow as ass today so my coworker and i wasted a good 2 hours or so playing various word games

I'm actually pro misinformation, we should lie more, just to see what happens

when people act like dogs that bark are going to kill them lmao

Fuck TERFs.

Don’t follow me if you’re a TERF.

Don’t follow me if you’re tolerant of TERFs.

This is not a safe space for TERFs.

Education of USA benefits, internet discount 

Hey for y'all struggling in the USA, remember that if your income is below two-hundred percent of the Federal Poverty Guidines, they'll pay for 30 dollars of your internet bill every month; And can even help you get an internet connected device.

Let people in your community know.

goro akechi takes an edible and passes out while watching hydraulic press youtube videos not clickbait

@dragonmagic i started playing this recently and i thought the same, and then i was surprised by how much i liked it. the character’s are pretty interesting and the story is good, imo. the gameplay is pretty simple but i found it fun.


nooooo dont fall in love youre so hot and unapproachable haha 💔 (talking to myself in the mirror)

i have a rare talent where i can decide within a second of learning of someone’s existence that i hate them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!