finally got my type inference i've been working on for a while now working and it feels so good :D

just finding out about wikifunctions, this looks so cool! i really like the natural language stuff too

mama didn't raise a quitter but she did raise a homosexual and and an idiot

it's finally getting snowy out and it's so pretty! very comfy weather to drink something warm n eat gingerbread to as long as you stay inside

@rud___boy oh, that's lovely! i remember learning abt wfc for the first time and thinking it was the coolest thing ever :D also probably tag me if you respond to me bc i dont get notifications otherwise! i think thats true of mastodon in general but not sure

"16 bit sensation" mentioned a curious technique used to convert lineart to digital data. The art is transferred to a piece of cling film, then affixed to the screen, and converted to pixels - using just the keyboard!

I never tried this, so I wanted to try it immediately...

"gifted child"?? yeah gifted with immense homosexuality and computer autism alright

My pronouns are they/she, except if you're on Windows, then they're they\she

@libesesc0 oh i see! they're mainly interested in speedruns afaik so i dont think they play a lot of multiplayer? ill have to check w them

@rud___boy hey, welcome! hope you enjoy your stay here :D ricing is always so much fun but it can be such a black hole for time, it feels like every time i work on my setup i suddenly notice several hours have passed

after some wrangling, the raspberry pi composite out feed now displays on the CRT. Here it displays a terminal-based screensaver (cmatrix); it is also monitoring the temperature and humidity in the living room. Next challenge is getting infrared signal working!

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@dangeousenby aww, that's sweet! i've been pretty busy just now but once i do i'll def tag u :D

@libesesc0 i honestly have no idea, i still havent gotten around to playing it since i got sidetracked by exapunks?

@dangeousenby yeah its interpreted in python, im trying to get the basics down first but im considering compiling it to c in the future? we'll see! im excited about the project so i'll probably post some screenshots in the future as well :D

also thats so cool!! i came along to my brother's practice once and i found it a lot of fun, i really oughta try it again sometime... teaching is always fun too regardless of subject (as long as your students are cool :D)

im so excited to play half life, its free to keep forever on steam rn so ofc i got it - i've got a bunch of friends that are massive half lfie nerds so let's see if it lives up to the hype

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!