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I know this has been said a zillion times but can we talk about the military/police dress code in Ghost and the Shell? Ma'am this is an OFFICE environment

Statement on “Join The Fedi” is a website owned by known “gender critical” activist Alex Gleason. The domain name and SEO is clearly designed to appeal to individuals curious about the fediverse, and potentially take traffic from Unfortunately, Gleason does not have the best intentions when it comes to helping the fediverse grow. Gleason formerly contributed to other fediverse projects, before being removed from doing so due both his behavior and poor code quality. This is a problematic individual, recommending problematic services.

Join The Fedi has an explicitly right-wing agenda and seems to only promote instances which either a) run the “Soapbox” front-end software created by Gleason himself or b) advertise themselves as “free speech” instances. As of right now, the site actively recommends the following instances:

In other words, Gleason is using the site to promote his own agenda rather than simply gain more users into the fediverse. This is not a site that should be recommended to new users. I would recommend using instead!

Thank you!

last night while camping dominic invented S'mores-but-oreos-for-the-cracker-part and this is (a) sacrilege and (b) excellent

get you a man who looks at you the way this mannequin worships a swamp cooler

Robey attempts to explain Disney's "The Little Mermaid" based only on a confusing 59 second TikTok video that he saw while drunk:

the wah's brother gave us some hydroponic machines as a gift, so we're trying out cherry tomatoes and basil. i got a time lapse of the first three weeks of the plants coming up, it is surprisingly creepy! 🌱

A furry VR Chat music video! This is pretty amazing!

...besides the good song and cute video, I love the idea of VRChat as an inexpensive movie production platform.

i’m the guy whose online experience is holding onto a goldfish bowl on the back of a jeep

agitprop + dealing with spam 

problem: I get invited to Whatsapp crypto spam groups all the time 😔
opportunity: finally, an audience for my insufferable shit!

I'm trying out a new career experiment: part-time! Today is my first day of being a half-time employee. I am hoping the extra hours away from work will give me space for projects, friends, and sanity. We'll see!

i swear to god there are more glitchy web implementations of "enter your credit card" than there are stars in the sky. i'd have thought by now there would be some welcome consolidation, but, nope

alternate timeline where archeologists never figured out how the Antikythera mechanism worked because the only written account they ever found in connection to it read, simply, "Newbie? Join our Discord and someone in our community will happily help you get up to speed..."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!