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While deleting some old archives, I came across a discussion I saved. It was at an employer in ages past, and started with HR asking me to not look at porn at work, and ended with them agreeing that I shall continue doing what I've been doing, because it is relevant to my job.

The porn? @aphyr's jockstrap selfies. The relevancy? Jepsen.

The thread had a nice collection of evidence, and I chuckled all the way recollecting the whole situation. Fun times.

loose water filter bracket, you have crossed me for the last time

"the sun emoji should be wearing sunglasses! like on raisin bran!"

"no honey the raisin bran sun doesn't have sunglasses. that's a mandela effect thing. we already fought about this. oh god you don't remember"

"The Gift of It's Your Problem Now" by Avery Pennarun

Pretty even-handed take, and fun and readable too. Hard to argue with any of these points.

It snowed near our house today! We drove up to the observatory and threw one (1) snowball

basically the way i deal with everything is to go through the stages of grief until i get to "bargaining" and stop at bargaining forever and that's why i have all these spreadsheets

my dad has spent the last 30 minutes talking to a retired neighbor on speaker phone at max volume, giving each other driving directions from memory as if google maps doesn't exist. this is the most boomer thing ever

the screaming neighborhood children are irritating me so i am retaliating with loud sigur ros on the yard speakers

"Anything less than five stars is BAD! Only give five stars!" Haha. I love how workers actively beg for as little dynamic range as possible in any evaluative feedback. It speaks volumes about what evil corporations do whenever they receive even the barest shred of signal that could be used for ranking or culling employees.

there is a type of coworker I have who, whenever given work to do, always first asks, "what is any reason I can think of to make this wait on something else?" it's like a pathological instinct to get blocked and do nothing. I cannot understand it, but these people thrive here.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!