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also so many cute emoji've been added to this instance since i was here last time!!!

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oo since it's been a while here guess i should update my pronouns! i'm actually experimenting using vi/ver for myself but it feels nice so far :bunhdhappy:

my friend's gotten me into puppet combo and i'm honestly inspired by a lot of their stuff. i'm challenging myself to make a music track in that style from start to finish today

whoaoh we're halfway there
whoaoh sitting on a chair

so like, how do i just,, start over on mastodon without moving to a new instance

the next time someone with a cough strolls up next to you in traffic atop an orca, compliment them by saying "sick ride, that's a killer whale"

i find myself asking the question as i had at the beginning of this venture: how does one mast a don? :blobthinkingcool:

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food, silly 

i've uncovered a horrible truth

pineapple [i]is[/i] pizza

i just misread a post as "quinoa golem" which is a FANTASTIC rock band name

they see me tootin’
they boostin’

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!