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@Plus_Ultra o7 citizen, don't stress yourself out for us, we would all much prefer you staying around than burning too hard!

Gap bridging time! @sitter making words about the Selenium ui testing tool, and talking about foggy forests :)

Matrix and ActivityPub stuff going on in room 2 at - and also important and definitely real, historical quotes ;)

@kdenlive I did not realise nested timelines was so far ahead, this looks great! :)

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Time for day two, with the @kdenlive team talking about their amazing video editor :)

leinir boosted

a strange idea that came to me: what if furry musicians united and made some kind of furry label cooperative that publishes music made by furries for free. what if they have a channel with music videos or tracks, like cloudkid/lithuania hq or trap nation for example. like i think it would be cool

leinir boosted

Alrighty then, friends! The free-fly has just started, and that means you can try out the game for free,no strings attached,until July 17th.

Sign up for an account using my link here:
Then follow this other link to get in on all the things:
Importantly:You can't add a ref code once you've created your account, so definitely don't forget :)

If you should decide to buy access, you'll also get a nifty little buggy to scoot around in :)

leinir boosted

I like this quote:

“The problem is that electric cars are popular with politicians precisely because they provide an excuse to avoid doing harder things, like rebuilding our cities, or changing the habits of lifetimes. Persuading people to switch from their old gasoline car to a shiny Tesla is much easier than persuading them that they can live without a car. Hence governments are pushing electric cars, often with incentives that make no sense.” - Daniel Knowles, author of Carmageddon

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leinir boosted

"The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will rip up hard-won privacy protections. This will not only harm UK citizens, but also the rights of Europeans living inside and outside of the UK."

🗣️ @marianods for ORG. #DPDIBill #GDPR #dataprotection

This is what it looked like from the outside while we were recording - just us in my RSI Constellation Phoenix being pretty, with PO being pretty, and the gas giant Crusader also being pretty in the background. Personally think it's pretty, anyway ;)

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As per usual with things like this: Don't spend until you want to, and don't spend more than feels sensible. This is a "buy to play" game, so anything called a "game package" will get you perpetual access to the game, but also don't buy until you've at least tried it a bit. That said, this is a good time to nab a package, as two of the game packages are on offer. Personally i like the 100i, but the Aurora MR will do just fine, and is the cheapest way to get in the game for forever :)

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Alrighty then, friends! The free-fly has just started, and that means you can try out the game for free,no strings attached,until July 17th.

Sign up for an account using my link here:
Then follow this other link to get in on all the things:
Importantly:You can't add a ref code once you've created your account, so definitely don't forget :)

If you should decide to buy access, you'll also get a nifty little buggy to scoot around in :)

Hello Friends! Time for another King's Corner, and this time it's all, like, topic based and stuff, where Dimi chats with Meep and your truly about the future and past of the first station in the game, Port Olisar, which is scheduled for replacement in the next patch:

Also, if you want to try the game - hang on for a few more hours, there's a free-fly due to start today, and i'll drop some infos on the topic when that time comes :)

leinir boosted

Today marks my 4 year's anniversary of moving to The UK, to live with a group of friends I have known for quite while prior.
Four years later, I still live here, and our relationship are growing stronger for each day that passes.

This has been long time in the making. And I am thrilled that it actually came to fruition.

Happy squeak and the wish of cheese for everyone who would like some*.

*due technically reasons, only virtual and imaginary cheese can be offered at this time

leinir boosted

I see the old “too many people are going to university to do Mickey Mouse degrees” trope is doing the rounds again. My son did a degree in Comedy Writing and Performance. Did he get a job in the creative industries? No. Is he earning a good salary? Also no. But he was greatly enriched by studying something he was passionate about for three years. What is wrong with just learning for learning’s sake? Education is not supposed to be merely a mechanism for churning out workers

@admin Thanks for the heads up! On a poke by a friend, I checked the about page earlier, and it's still pointing at our previous admin's patreon, any plans there? :) (old admin is great, ofc, and writes on their patron they're no longer our admin, was more wondering if you had plans :) )

leinir boosted

Boy, nothing says welcome to mastodon like a bunch of accounts announcing you’ll be gone in a minute, scolding you for taking so long to leave Twitter, or pretending there’s nothing frustrating about signing up to a place that has different rules than you’re used to.

Cut the new arrivals some slack, people.

New folk, you’re very welcome. Most of us are kind and friendly. You’ll get the hang of it! #Welcome #WelcomeToMastodon

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!