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leinir boosted

This is scary. It's (strong) SafetyNet for websites.

Every now and then I run into another Android app I can no longer run because someone decided my phone, running an official build of my choice of OS, that isn't even rooted, is "not trustable".

Now they want to start doing that for websites.

This kills open Linux on the desktop (including Asahi Linux). It kills alternative browsers. It is a backdoor to kill ad blockers.

No. Just no. Please.

leinir boosted

Mocking Google for their totally-not-an-attempt-to-DRM-the-Web is the right thing to do.

Open issues on the proposal repo and let them know what you think.


But, don't be fooled. Even if they take this back, it doesn't change how they think. This is their intention. They just failed to slip it by this time.

The answer is to take power away from Google. Stop using their stuff. Build alternatives. It's not easy, but it's the only way.

And mock them. That's always fun.

@the_gneech speaking of which... ;) (no updates also fine, just checking to see if there is anything I missed :) )

@irina it's filo dough wrapped around creme patisserie, and then baked, and served chilled, usually but optionally (apparently) with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and cinnamon :) there is also a cheese filled version, and one with a meat filling of some kind, but I stuck with the basic sweet option :)

Important scientific test update: confirmed delicious ;)

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Friendly ice cream seller person on the first night of told me I had to try this pastry, a local thing called Bougatsa, and I finally took time to find some... at the airport ;)

leinir boosted

Here's the thing. I do think that meat based agriculture as it is now is wildly unsustainable, however this kind of framing makes it seem like our individual choices are what's going to fix climate change. And that's just not true. I can bike to work and eat vegan all I want, but it's not going to stop private jets from flying across the country. If you want to tackle environmental concerns with diet, I love that; but the facts are that governments would have to stop subsiding animal agriculture and instead subsidize common vegan alternatives. Meat is cheap, and people are broke. If 10 beyond burgers were $10, then that's what people would eat, but it's not fair to frame this as a matter of personal choice.


UK, pol 

@tryst let's just keep them believing that - maybe some safe feeling lefties could be convinced it's tighter than it might be as well, so we can actually get people into the booths for a change? Would be nice

@Zumbador hmm! This also seems like an apt kind of description of how most neurotypical people (of which i am mostly one) seem to... not handle mental instability at all well when it invariably also happens to them... like, I know I have a stress tendency and have had to learn to listen to my engine for the signals of that, and... yeah, definitely matches my experience with that as well

leinir boosted

This is a credible proposal for DRM for websites in general. It would enable unbeatable adblock-blocking. It would prevent user customization for not just convenience but also accessibility.

I do not say this lightly: Enabling the forfeiture of control over the browsing experience is a fundamentally evil idea that must be rejected now, as it has been in the past, and we must remain vigilant against its reemergence in the future.

@carbonkat good kat! All things as they should be :) well done @esherjackal for encouragement of such sensible behaviour :)

leinir boosted

1. Stay hydrated.
2. Have an ice cream cone.
3. Dismantle the fossil fuel industry which is literally burning the planet for the short term profit of a vanishingly small capitalist class.
4. Wear loose clothing.

@The2Ring can co firm, definitely did not observe @carlschwan take this exact picture ;)

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

Long Post - Announcing FxMastodon - a service which fixes Mastodon embeds on Discord/Telegram/etc. 

❇️ 🎉 INTRODUCING: FxMastodon 🎉

Today I was getting annoyed by Mastodon images/videos not always embedding properly on discord, especially if they're NSFW content. 🥺

I decided to make FxMastodon, which is a Mastodon equiv of FxTwitter that fixes embeds to make them work properly on Discord and certain other apps 😁

It works with images, GIFs, and videos from Mastodon posts - only shows the first image/video though

**How to use it:**

Simply prepend "" to the start of the post URL after https://

**For example:**


**This also works!**

And of course, it's **OPEN SOURCE**

Please feel free to try it out and let me know how you like it, or if you find any bugs 🥰💚

#mastodon #mastodonbot #tools #mastodontool #mastodonapp #fediverse

leinir boosted

The "free exchange of ideas" isn't really a marketplace. It's a potluck.

Everybody brings their own ideas, and you're free to sample as many as you like. Some are familiar recipes. Some are classics with a twist. Some are interesting but not to your taste. Some are straight up bad. Some are life-changing. The point is, you can discuss recipes or cooking techniques or ingredients as you sample the food.

If someone brings, say, mashed potatoes, you can debate its appropriateness at the potluck. Will it get cold on the table? Do carbohydrates make up too much of our diet?

But if someone strides up and sets a big steaming pile of dog shit on the table, next to grandma's casserole and the mashed potatoes, that's a problem. And it's not because we're "afraid" of eating their dog shit, or we're worried dog shit will "revolutionize" lunch. It's dog shit. We tell them to get that dog shit off the damn table.

This is why we don't let Nazis come to the potluck. Some ideas are just dog shit.

For those not at Akademy, the free fly event is still on until tomorrow, if you were hoping to try that out! Bunch of details on that over here: and if you need help, give us a poke! :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!