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wait so krita actually can do non destructive post editable auto levels as well
is the drawing program secretly better at photo editing than the photo editing program or what

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i hate the software industry sometimes. adobe spent decades building photoshop so of course they're way ahead of everyone else. and then after 25 years of development they took what they'd made and locked it away behind an extortionately priced subscription package and apparently have barely even improved the fucking software since they did that

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oh i found another feature affinity doesn't have that i actually do use regularly for conventional photo editing.....
i want to be able to apply auto levels to a photo in a way that's non-destructive and lets me see what it actually did. like applying it to an adjustment layer. photoshop had that, affinity doesn't. bleh

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been trying to excise adobe products from my life & i don't think one photoshop alternative really covers all bases but maybe between affinity photo for conventional photo editing and krita for more arty shit i can get by. i have used krita for (abortive attempts at) drawing before but i didn't really consider it for image editing. but ofc you can do that too. why not. i just did this with it

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Matsuri Boy
Festival, 1m55cm5mm to roll up

He is looking for a good girl to go out with.

γ‚ͺγƒžγƒ„γƒͺ 1m55cm5mm

γ‚³γƒŽγƒγƒ£γƒ³γ‚Ήγƒ‹ γ‚«γƒŽγ‚Έγƒ§γƒ²γ€€γ‚²γƒƒγƒˆγ‚·γƒ¨γ‚¦γƒˆ タクランデむル

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

re: Rant 

@Rib yeah the whole setup with openreach seems like it must be intensely frustrating when anything goes wrong and both sides just fob you off onto the other

as much as i complain about virgin sometimes like at least the company i have a contract with is the same company that manages the infrastructure & they usually do know what is going on

taizou boosted

Please call your reps (especially if they’re democrats) to vote NO on KOSA (trojan horse law to remove LGBTQ and abortion content from the Internet).

Here’s a script.

taizou boosted

@takoto honestly its rare enough that charity shops near me even have electronics at all, let alone anything good

it probably helps that those US thrift stores are massive so they have enough room to take in random stuff like that even if it's pretty big Yeah works great for me

@kiwa it's an HDMI scaler but it's not set to scale anything rn, it's just there to stop the signal from dropping out for so long when the console resets
and also seems to stop the picture jittering which I didn't know it would do but it's a bonus tbh

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!