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β€œIf lions could talk, they would not know what’s going on, either” Ludwig #Wittgenstein

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and that's not a quick emulation/port job of some old game, that's 2 sequels down the line in one of nintendo's flagship series and they still haven't figured out a better way to make up for the loss of the 2nd screen!
the cephalopods still yearn for the gamepad....

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like in splatoon 3 i thought having to press X to bring the map up fullscreen was clunky and intrusive, and selecting a spot to jump was awkward... then it occurred to me it was designed for fucking Wii U where you'd have the map on the gamepad and could just tap on it to jump

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makes me think about how so many games moving from older systems to modern ones (whether ports, emulation or even sequels) suffer from losing the features and nuances of the controllers they were designed for and people don't really realise unless they're familiar with the original

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also i switched to using a gamecube controller today and it feels so much better like this... movement is way less twitchy and you actually have analogue control over mario's squirt pressure & click the trigger down to squirt in place instead of it just being 2 separate buttons

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i picked mario sunshine back up after dropping it like....a year and a half ago. got past some kinda bullshit parts & i'm having fun with it again

if anyone was wondering about my bots getting migrated from bots in space, i haven't forgotten about it, i just need to make a code change to make them compliant with the instance i was planning to move them to & i haven't got around to doing that yet. it will happen though!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!