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taizou boosted

I highly recommend using Signal for your DnD group chat, Tor to look up hummus recipes and an encrypted email for your wedding RSVPs. The more people are using this sort of thing for completely innocuous stuff the less suspicious it becomes, and as a bonus you feel like you're doing something helpful while you're working out minicabs and compiling your Auntie Mary's dietary requirements.

taizou boosted

got the specific kind of old internet brainrot where whenever i use kikkoman soy sauce my mind still uncontrollably goes SHOW ME! SHOW YOU! KIKKOMAN! KIKKOMAN!!

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

reCAPTCHA: 819 million hours of wasted human time and billions of dollars in Google profits

"Searle's paper, titled "Dazed & Confused: A Large-Scale Real-World User Study of reCAPTCHAv2," found that Google's widely-used CAPTCHA system is primarily a mechanism for tracking user behavior and collecting data while providing little actual security against bots. The study revealed that reCAPTCHA extensively monitors users' cookies, browsing history, and browser environment (including canvas rendering, screen resolution, mouse movements, and user-agent data) β€” all of which can be used for advertising and tracking purposes"

it has a hard drive now! i also got all the games i wanted to try working from HD which is convenient. although i have wasted a load of time trying to get one of them to boot from a floppy which it fully refuses to

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taizou boosted

A new, undocumented hardware feature has been discovered on the GBA nearly 24 years after it was released. Wild.

already tired of fannying around with disk swapping. just like back in the day...
i'll try and set up a virtual hard drive or something on it. but tomorrow. its nearly 3am. whoops

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i mostly set this up cos there were some interesting games i wanted to check out that had very little coverage or video footage... i'm not gonna talk about those games just yet though. just messing around with it

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even though i have this great fondness for the amiga as the computer i grew up with & the huge cultural impact it had, i don't think i've ever really touched emulation for it before....
well tonight i am back on my bullshit

shopping for a new desk. i've never seen one with a little computer harness like this before. is that what the gamers are doing these days

taizou boosted

classic Loony Tunes have much to teach us about class solidarity

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

i have a Sony Mavica FD-71 that's working but taking pictures much darker than an FD-75. from what i can tell they're ostensibly the same camera with the same sensor hardware only with/without manual focus. has anyone serviced these models? is there some aging component that can be replaced to make the pictures not as dark?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!