re: ballisticNG (potential eyestrain) 

Wyvern leaving sparks in its wake

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Here we see Romana thinking "either this guy is in a costume or I have made an error"

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I just suddenly remembered I game I had back as a kid - TV Tycoon.
It was riding on the success of other tycoon games, but it.... didn't have any kind of graphics. It was all just text and menus. And it was basically completely impossible! I tried to play it several times, and every single time my TV station just burned through money until it went bankrupt only a couple of weeks after it started

Rayman 2 

I love how in Rayman 2 you meet the actual literal god who created the world, Polokus.... And they're a long-armed frog in a silly hat.

[Can't do image descriptions right now sorry]

video games - Setris 

Today I have played setris, a really fun tetris spin off game where the blocks are made of sand.
It is so satisfying to watch them crumble to pieces when they land.

The cool twist is that you actually need to get a horizontal line of all one colour in order to clear anything, so it's all about planning out where the sand is going to be and arranging colours to eventually line up

video games, objects in space 

I have been having a heck of a lot of fun with Objects in Space today!

It's a stealth-focused space sim, where you actually physically control the buttons and interfaces of your ship. When you're hit by an asteroid or a pirate's attack, you have to go and disassemble the broken part and fix it on a circuitboard - it's so complex but in a super fun way.


Why aren't bullsquids real??
I want to pet a bullsquid...

[5] steven universe 

I love all the character designs in this show, but I had forgotten how good Sardonyx is!

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[4] steven universe 

I have noticed for the first time that the devices in the kindergarten (used to make new gems) are shaped like viruses!

That's a really cool design choice

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[1] steven universe 

I've been rewatching Steven Universe, and a number of things have stood out to me

I forgot how early into the show Stevonnie appeared. And I love that everyone thinks they're amazing!

In the same episode, we get some nice foreshadowing for Garnet being a fusion:

Pearl: Nobody expects you to be able to perform fusion right away, steven
Amethyst: Yeah! It's really hard, even for us!
Garnet: Not for me.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!