@soulfirethewolf I think the only reason why the krusty krab hasn't gone out of business is because krabby patties are spongebob's special interest

You are legally obligated to appreciate me (a bat) and any other bats you know today uwu

I should get a Tarot deck at some point, I think it'd be fun to own one

Did a little speedpaint thing last night in SAI using my mouse.


I kinda want to try spending time with peeps in vr chat again, but.... most of the safe groups I know of meet at the wrong time of day (darn timezones!)
and the last time I tried playing in public worlds, it was just horrible

Found a fun moral panic from 1712 about beautiful poetry corrupting the Youths, and wanted to share it with everyone as a late-night treat.

"the elegance of expression and… those other bewitching beauties, which attend good poetry, might insensibly instill the Poison into the minds of unthinking people; especially of the Youth, whose imagination is generally too strong for their reason, and their fancy too powerful for their judgement."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!