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re: all caps; scream 

@YoteDragon goooood morninnggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I give you, spooky girlfriends.

She's a demon who likes to cause problems.
She's a victorian era ghost who's surprisingly tech savy.

They go find "paranormal investigators" to mess with, as dates. yeah, it's been super frustrating recently!

The sudoku variants app on my phone just updated, and they added an "AI which determines which board you should play next based on your preferences".
Which.... Makes no sense! How does it know what I like??? My favourite part of this app is variety getting to play different combinations of different little variants!

And the only info it really has is: how long it takes me to finish a puzzle, which is not a good criteria for enjoyment.

Luckily, you can turn it off.

re: spreadsheets 

@coriander @catoutofbed I used it in high school, it was useful!
I tried going back to it for a project recently, and it... is not as easy to use as I remembered


One thing I wish spreadsheets could do better with: tags.
I have a table which records the magic the gathering cards I own. I record whether or not a card is foil, alternate art, borderless, etc.

This would be super easy to do if you could just put ad-hoc tags on a line of data. But because you can't: i need to have separate columns for every single different thing, even though it's literally just a yes/no situation.

@coriander you can also put it on a resume and people will think it's impressive!

@coriander I meant more: if you have lots of columns, you can do lots of different transformations!

@coriander great!!!! Pivot tables are extremely useful (especially if you've got a huge table of data)

@coriander so a pivot table allows you to take one chunk of data, and express it in a different way.

Make sure your data has headings, then select all of it. In one of the ribbon options (I don't remember which one in Google sheets), there will be an option to make a pivot table.
Once it's made, you'll get a piece of UI to drag different elements in different places - mess around with it! It's all dynamic, so you're not going to accidentally delete anything.

@anthracite woah I read the start of this back in the day, i should go back to it now it's finished!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!