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body horror 

The existence of dry bones implies the existence of wet skin, the koopa bog body enemy

sapphic poem, SFW 

my heart was broken
by your smile
the very day we met

do you remember?

all the diamonds
in your eyes
and all the flames
you stoked by gentle touch

(so kind you became cruel)

They shattered me
my heart, in fact
but then

you helped me fit the pieces
of my heart
together once again

piece by little piece
so when I say
my heart is yours

please know that is because
you crafted it anew in me

with your gentle hands

#poetry #lesbian #sapphic #QueerArt

also for pride month, some pride art that i got last year! this was by @NightlineZ

@chr @Necrotext This is so good! The pose is great, and the tail is wonderfully long and wiggly

Completed piece for @chr -a soft and cute moment. Thank you again for working with me!

Why does the bed have to be so comfy and warm when it is so cold immediately outside the bed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!