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artfight, TF and light nudity, end of thread 

@heatherhorns again

I couldn't just let her get away with turning me into a shark >:(

(The back half of my artfight might have been considerably hornier than the first)

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If a snow leopard furry gets cloned, does that make a sneplica?

re: video games (~) there's a few modules with colourblind friendly modes now, but there's still quite a lot of modded modules that use colours sadly

re: video games (~) yeah, I think that shortcut is quite natural!
But the descriptions are good for the first couple of times you see the module, I like trying to figure out what the other person is talking about.

re: video games (~) that's similar to me me - I've played the vanilla game as defuser and as expert quite a few times, to the point where (a few years ago when I last played) I had accidentally memorised some of the manual.
I attempted to play modded with people once, but it did not go well.

If you're used to being a defuser, that's actually good! I lost my copy of the game, so it's easier for me to be expert at the moment.

For mod setup: I have a guide + set of intro to modded missions

re: video games (~) 

@efi @pup_hime ah this is unfortunately part of the problem - the *best* experience you can have with this game as a completely inexperienced player is: playing with other completely inexperienced players.

The big fun of the game is learning what the heck is going on, and learning how to clearly communicate between the person who can see the bomb and the person who can see the manual.

And jumping in with an experienced player (like me) is... not fun at all.

re: video games (~) 

@pup_hime oh!!!! That would be fun - have you played much before?

re: video games (~) 

shortly after this post, I found some friends who wanted to play.... but none of them have felt like it at all the last 3 weeks.

I am deep into a hyper-fixation that I can't do anything about - I looked at the discord, but... I'd rather learn modded play with someone at a similar level, rather than people who have already done dozens of modded bombs

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gosh darn it I forgot to stock up on chocolate again.... it's so frustrating that there isn't a convenience store near me so I can get some late night chocolate

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!