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spent some time chatting with critters today, that was lovely

Species that has only domesticated cats and dogs: "Dang this animal is reminding me a lot like of cats"

what if were both aliens from different cultures who struggled to understand each other but still had crushes on each other?


...I've been ordering food a lot this week, and I know I *should* cook my own things, but.... everything I have in the house right now is either unappealing or would take more spoons than I have

weh, my extension that allows me to group tabs into trees of categories suddenly forgot the tree layout for 200 of my tabs,,,,

wait, was there a birthday song BEFORE Happy Birthday was written, or did Happy Birthday originate a new cultural tradition?

I'm so glad dragons are real.... can you imagine what life would be like if they weren't???

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!