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You may befriend a dragon by giving it scritches as it basks after a meal.

OwO *notices your mario and jumps with a little bounce at the end, causing mario to be outside the notice range*

OwO *notices your mario and jumps with a little bounce at the end, causing mario to be outside the notice range*

OwO *notices your mario and jumps with a little bounce at the end, causing mario to be outside the notice range*

OwO *notices your mario and jumps with a little bounce at the end, causing mario to be outside the notice range*

I'm watching the goomba video 

:grr: you're in my notice range

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Evidence of the seat on my back in vrchat (mostly) working

yinglet friends can ride atop smolderg c:

re: compulsion 

And then everything else I either don't think I'll ever play enough; or have less than 45 hours of playtime (1/3rd that of the game I want to get rid of) and so I can't really plan to play a huge amount extra of them; or isn't even on steam

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re: compulsion 

- Mirror's Edge Catalyst, which I speedrun a bit. I would need to do at least 14 more runs (extra 40 hours required)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, if I get over the burn out (extra 47 hours)
- Dark Souls 3, if I do several more playthroughs (extra 59 hours)
- Skyrim, if I get obsessed with it again (extra 73 hours)
- Ultrakill, because it's hard (extra 86 hours)

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when I look at my most played games on steam, there's a game in my top 10 that I wish wasn't in the top 10 - it's my 8th most played game, at 137 hours of playtime.
(I only played ever played it because i was turbo depressed for several months)

I want to get it out of my top 10, which means I would need to get three games to a higher playtime... but the only games that I might play several hours more of are:

I need to put a discord server into one of my groups, and it FEELS like something from group 4 in terms of how I engage with it, but it doesn't fit the DESCRIPTION of group 4

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oh no.... I have encountered the kind of categorisation problem that I only I ever experience...

would u still love me if i were a bug. like a really big bug. haha

I'm playing a puzzle metroidvania, and encountering the problem with that genre: when faced with a puzzle I can't figure out, it's not clear whether that's because I can't see the solution or because I'm missing an ability

double ear worm 

Soon may the Wellerman come
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!