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I wonder what the origin of the "order" of the English alphabet is...

Like, I know it traces back to the "order" of the latin script, which traced back to the "order" of greek, etc etc

But when was the original order first decided?
And who decided it? And Why?

@Fenreliania this game sounds really cool, and I liked reading your thoughts on gamedev

its neither secret, nor the third thing, but a secret third thing

card game thoughts 

I have some ideas about making a solitaire card game based on time travel in some way.

My core idea is that you have several columns of cards, with the columns representing the timeline (past on the left, future on the right).
You then fight battles in each column (against an automated opponent who just draws cards from a pile and puts them in the column)

Winning the fight means the timeline is saved, losing means a paradox occurs, which alters the timeline around that column

re: morrowind | 8 

but now I'm conflicted... do I play a redguard like I was originally going to, or an argonian?

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adhd dragons with restless tail syndrome

re: morrowind | 8 

After a few updates and patches, I think I'm going to restart my playthrough - I didn't get very far at all, and I realised I messed up some of my characters stats

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@unascribed I've tried using auto-hide, but kept having issues where I would move my mouse too close to the edge of a window and the bar would get in the way of what I was trying to do

@hammerhead I've only played the first of the new wolfenstein games, but it did have quite a bit of adult content (violent scenes beyond just gunplay, sex scenes, and themes around fascism and oppression)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!