@werefox aa thankyou <3<3
@werefox good morning, Alice 💖
@Fenreliania what is the cable that links the gameboy to a gamecube
@efi *imagines*
re: the simpsons, past mental health mention
...I've recently been thinking about re-watching the older episodes.
Maybe this is a bad sign
(or maybe I just watch too many steamed hams videos)
re: the simpsons, past mental health mention
I still enjoyed most of the eps I watched, so there's that at least
@werefox thanks, love <3
Hope your sleep is as relaxing as can be!
@werefox snooze softly!
re: affection
@darkwitchclaire aaa <3<3
*cuddles up close*
@eri sleep well!
@Axel_Hugsky sleep well!
@werefox heck yeck!!
hi I'm avery, a cute lizardsquid with 3 hearts full of love!
nonbinary ░ they/she ░ australia ░ 29yo
I post: silly lizardy nonsense, world building, conlangs, doctor who
polyam, demi, open. I love affection!
hugs and cuddles and such are ok, but everything else please ask first
languages: English • Welsh (very basic)
I have a private account, ask for access!
(some old accounts: