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Another great series from @LoadingReadyRun I've been re-listening to while I work is Qwerpline. It's a surreal comedy presented as a fake local radio station in the town of Nsburg.

#LoadingReadyRun #Nsburg #Qwerpline

re: Fallout New Vegas, spoilers 

@dwf woo!!!!
Did you like the epilogue you got?

@compufox you silly fox, you're supposed to stretch your muscles not your bones!!!

re: selfie, eye contact, :flirts_ok: 

@compufox you do look nice!!

I'm never sure what my favorite thing I've done a campaign is, but today I'm proud of the time I had some post-apocalyptic kids playing a rigorously researched RPG about the glorious olden days.

"Ars Technica"


I couldn't sleep, so I had a late night shower. And right after I got out, the power went out!

I had to claw my way along the walls while soaking wet and cold to find where I put my phone to get any kind of light XD

Micro, Shrinking 

Looks like Cryo's going for the grand prize: being the littlest contestant on TV!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!