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I am sleepy and I know I should let myself drift off,,, but I also want to be soft online...

This day in history. 458. Feast day of Anatolius of Constantinople not to be confused with Anatolius of Laodicea who has the same feast day but that's your problem.

@LottieVixen the pronoun should just be used in the text of the article, in my opinion - because otherwise we'll get a Definitive Box that looks like it says "This Person's Pronouns are definitely X/Y", when they've never actually said or confirmed anything.

@barnOwl ooo, nests are nice.

I am currently in bed.... I need to get up and clean and get ready for work, but I just want to lay here rn

Give the carbuncle a little bat
call it a Carbonkle

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!