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A famous Klingon once said, "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Cruelty in jest is still cruelty. Bigotry as irony is still bigotry. Do not pretend to be that which you do not want to be.

What if we were both creatures
And we slept beside each other on a mountaintop under the stars

re: mtg, Lost Caverns of Ixalan [4] 

Previously, only planeswalkers could travel between planes, and they couldn't take anything or anyone with them. Now anyone can travel between planes, if they find an omenpath that links the two.

On top of this: most of the old planeswalkers have either lost the spark they need to planeswalk (leaving them stranded all over the place) or are dead.

And I think it's great: it shows a real change to the status quo in the stories they can tell!

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re: mtg, Lost Caverns of Ixalan [3] 

I'm also way more interested in the stories now that we're in a new arc.

The end of the last arc (the Phyrexia arc) saw the titular villains invade the entire multiverse all at once by tearing holes (omenpaths) between the different planes.

The phyrexians were defeated, and have left several interesting storytelling hooks in their wake...

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re: mtg, Lost Caverns of Ixalan [2] 

It also is clearly inspired by strong understanding of mesoamerican mythology & society, including parts that are less well known:

* Things are discovered by going DOWN, rather than outwards.
* Time is counted in sets of 20.
* The importance of the sun, and the idea that this is not the first sun.

Plus, the story also prominently features a sapphic couple - Huatli, a warrior-poet from Ixalan, and Saheeli, an inventor of gadgets from Kaladesh.

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mtg, Lost Caverns of Ixalan [1] 

So I'm really looking forward to the next set of magic the gathering - it's going to be the first set where I go to a prerelease event!

I really like the setting - aztec/mesoamerican inspired fantasy PLUS dinosaurs & pirates & vampires & merfolk - it's got enough worldbuilding to be really fascinating, and enough "just throw lots of things into the pot" energy to make it feel fresh.

"peach and bowser are having an affair" is funny, but personally i think "peach is genuinely being kidnapped and wants to go home with mario, but it happens so much that she's chill about it" is much funnier

how should we handle daylight savings time? wrong answers only

(chart co-authored by @dominic)

@kat @dominic what about: spread the daylight savings out across the year, so the clocks are adjusted by 20 seconds each day.

thinking about slime rancher... I really wanted to get into and enjoy that game, but for some reason it just never stuck

ttrpgs, unedited brain ramblings 

oh so - I backed the Ironsworn: Starforged TTRPG a while back, and I've got the physical edition.

It's really beautiful and cool, and I look forward to playing it sometime.

BUT!!! They're working on a more nautical version of the rules for an expansion, and what I really would love love love to do is like, a space-faring sailing ships setting, that would be a lot of fun.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!