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Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 5 → Fury from the Deep] 

"This seaweed is not the sort you'd normally find on the beach! This seaweed happens to be dangerously alive!"

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Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 5 → Fury from the Deep] 

I'm only just starting the third episode and I can tell you that this one sucks and really isn't worth watching.

I'd skip it, but I know I'd look back in a few months when I've finished watching through and be like "why did I skip those 4 episodes... I can't say I've watched every episode for the guide if I skip 4"

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I really want to play retro/grade, but it doesn't work in wine...

Another new blogpost! This one's a little different.

A brief look into the evolution of the Sevensi language, featuring Latin orthographies and input methods.

Modern? Sevensi Serialization

#Sevensi #7c #LANGDEV


I'm thinking of abandoning my current github account and replacing it with a new one that matches my new username.

I've only contributed to a few repositories, so I'd only lose a small amount of stuff

Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 5 → Fury from the Deep] 

Gosh, it's been 11 days since I last watched any doctor who.

Mostly because Fury from the Deep is missing all of its episodes, so from experience I'm 99% sure it's not going to be worth watching.

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One eyebrow: monobrow

Two eyebrows: stereobrows

Eyebrows, moustache, and beard: surroundsoundbrows

hmm anyone know anything about hmm I dont even know what this comes under.

say I have set of images with varying ratios.... what is the thing I need to know to get them to fit within a fixed boundary?

say 1920×1080 and given the ratios of 1 to ∞ (infinity) images/frames w/e

#programming #math #ratios

so I just read this short webtoon called Always Human

it's an extremely cute f/f romance in a future with easy body modding (tho one of the protagonists has an immune disorder that doesn't let her use mods)

and it gave me such intense "us feels" for me and my partner, because it's so much like things that happen to us

i mean
you should read it
just be prepared

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!