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Have you ever seen... a splongle?

"Captain, may I ask a question about our human colleagues?"
"Go ahead, Mr Tasvin."
"Why do they have a separate break room? And why is it sealed off from the rest of the ship with genetic locks?"
"Humans have an unusual level of resistance to a wide range of toxins. They drink caffeine for fun."

re: waiting for godot 

This is the performance that I was watching, I think it's really good:

They've adapted it to a South African context, which is cool - it's nice to see The Void™ represented with red sand rather than grey rocks

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waiting for godot 

I watched (most of) a performance of waiting for godot tonight, it was a lot of fun!

But now I must sleep ..

re: wugu 

I have updated my romanisation today, but unfortunately there's one letter of it that I can't figure out how to do on my phone:


That is a dotless i with an underdot, and it represents the vowel [i] with a low tone.

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"I esteem you/hold you in high regard"
(lit. I see you)

Playing poker for hugs instead of money 

Texas Hold Me

tertiary education 

I passed my 2 year course!

✨ 🎉

Now to... never do any tertiary education ever again~!

re: boardgames, money 

What do youse all think?

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re: boardgames, money 

What do youse all think?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!