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We're having a baby on the 27th!

Unfortunately, our dear child chose a due date right in the middle of the dry season for millwrights (my wife's profession), and as I'm disabled already I'll need a lot of physical support the week after birth as well. This leaves us kinda fucked on rent, since we couldn't find much work this month.

Hoping to find $950 so we can welcome our new creature in a calm and stable place! #mutualaid
venmo: @londonshine
$app: $glamorshark

pixel art skulls the third: this time it gets goth 

Oh one more thing I did yesterday: skull chalices!

The old sprite was replaced with a fisherprice-ass chalice, and frankly that can't be allowed to remain. Now they're per skull type too.

The uh, trickle is basically the same as the fill level on other glasses, just with a more grizzly look :P

(there's also something called skullbots I've not gotten to yet, but this will suffice for now)

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moth pic and fact for you 

rosy maple moths r that color for camouflage with maple seeds...

Avatar: The Last Airbender | 2 

The thing I found odd: most fans hate the episode "The Great Divide", where 2 opposing tribes have to travel through a canyon together, but I actually didn't mind it.

The episode I did hate was the one immediately afterwards, "The Fortuneteller", which features very artificial feeling character drama and very cliche romcom scenes. And the depiction of the Fortuneteller herself felt confused - like they wanted her to both have magic powers and for her to be a fraud

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Avatar: The Last Airbender | 1 

I've finished season 1 of ATLA, and gosh I missed this show a lot more.

The characters are so great, and it's full of genuine drama and interesting villains.

I especially love how we follow the perspective of both the gaang and Zuko and Irish - even though Zuko is implicitly one of the main villains of season 1!

I don't think I've seen any other shows dedicate such a large portion of time to the perspective of an antagonist like this.

"It took me years to realize that Inca and pre-Columbian architecture is directly related to the structure of the corn kernels. In a western model of thought, one might judge the shapes as irregular, but in a universal thought, everything is a correlation between the cosmos, science, art and humanity. Fractal nature.
As you can see, the organic growth forms are represented in a logarithmic way, and the fact that these pentagonal, hexagonal and heptagonal blocks coincide with the corn forms." - Juan Casco
Note: The lack of symmetry in the walls helps dissipate the energy of the earthquakes. They were incredible engineers. Japanese researchers studied Machu Picchu after the Kobe earthquake and realized that these Inca structures had not been damaged by an earthquake.

question for USians, money 

Is it true that you can't easily transfer money to someone with your bank's app? And is that why things like cashapp and Venmo exist?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!