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Today I got the Graphic Audio version of The Scorched Continent by Megan E. O'Keefe!

I'm know almost nothing about it, aside from the fact that it's a fantasy series in a desert setting with flying ships, so I'm hoping it's good!

this is the optimal known packing of 1 square into a larger square

Game programming is really hard because some bugs are incredibly subtle and easy to miss

Spontaneously ended up doing one of my favorite kinds of project over the last two days -- a Plot Deck.

Basically, the way it works is that each player gets two cards at the start of the session.

On each card, there's an iconic plot element from the setting or genre, like "Frenzied Chase," "Dead Drop," or "Mistaken Identity."

You can play a card any time to insert its twist. If you do it to the PCs' advantage, you draw 1 replacement. If it's a complication, you draw 2.

#ttrpg #amwriting

What if 🥺 we kissed 😳 in the recursive time loop ⏳ and then we kissed 😳 in the recursive time loop ⏳ and then we kissed 😳 in the recursive time loop ⏳ and then we kissed 😳 in the recursive time loop ⏳ and then we kissed 😳 in the recursive time loop ⏳ and then

Hey, here's a bit of advice for #ttrpg publishing. It's 2023. Folks are gonna google your game to find it. Search your title ideas before you name it. If you search "Dying Under Glass Skies", you see my game. I almost named it "Nano Shock" but I spotted this car wax in a shop.

de- can mean to undo
-cide means termination
therefore, decide means necromancy

Just finished up a one shot of One-Shot World, by Yochai Gal. It's a simplified, stripped-down version of Dungeon World.

I always found #DungeonWorld a little too complex for my purposes, so it's nice to have a lighter option.

I ran the adventure Snail Fancy, from Feral Indie. It's a fun little heist adventure in a snail fanciers' lodge headquarters. Highly recommended.

#PBTA #OneShotWorld #TTRPG

re: insects 

A large red ant visited me at my desk, which was much nicer

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A giant flipping cockroach just walked along the seat in front of me on the bus

And while I’m reposting old favourites from my “queer history” folder, this riot grrl manifesto is perpetually relevant

My headcanon for Star Trek is now that the computer is a distant descendant of the new #Bing / #ChatGPT. It explains the technobabble *and* why the crews always get into so much trouble all the time.

“Computer, plot a course to the nearest Starbase.”
_Course plotted._
“Wait. That takes us through a black hole!”
_You are mistaken. There is no black hole. You are a bad Starfleet person. I am a good computer._

appointments (~) 

blarg... went to book an appointment with my doctor, hoping for one in a couple of weeks, but they're all fully booked for the next month...

The curse of having a doctor who is actually good is that people always want to see them.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!