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social ettiquette 

I messaged an acquaintance yesterday to ask a question and they haven't responded yet.

How long do youse think I should wait before sending them another message?

Impressions of a bee. (Native Australian Bees)

I think I want to stylize these further? I think. I'm still considering. I got the watercolour vibe I was after. But I think I was hyper vigilant about making the anatomy of each bee stand out that I kind of lost a lot of the initial shapes I had.
#bee #bees #NativeBee #AustralianWildlife #art #MastoArt #bug

re: food 

I think maybe I have just been too stressed and it has used up too much energy

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I ate a whole pizza, and I'm still super hungry...

I have been so obsessed with deep rock galactic recently...

love these dorky dwarves

Screw "this meeting could have been an email".

What about "this YouTube video could have been a blog post"?

Commission for @BatElite as a softsnailfriend!

(I need a name for these)

they're way huggable


sure is an unfortunate time for my ADHD to have given me a magic the gathering hyperfixation


affection mention 

I've stayed up late enough that it is now the smoochy hours...
I am intoxicated with zest for life and love of friends, but in a sleepy affectiony way

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!