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Running a test for one-shot set in a haunted mansion.

Me: You're looking behind the portrait. Are you holding it in such a way that you can't currently see the front side?

Player: I... really hate the specificity of that question.


7) Tea Dragon Society

Cute org girl meets cute fantasy foundling, her two cute dads, and their menagerie of cute teacup dragons. A sweet, kid-friendly short story with beautiful art. (Complete! More stories in this universe available as books.)

#PrideMonth #webcomics

taking pictures of scalies with the camera tilted sideways a bit, call those Dutch angle dragons

Real soft hours today.... which is a problem, because I need to do the vacuuming

One of my favorite paper mini creators is Paper Forge -

At some point I'm going to run something using their Chempunk line of minis.

Here are the ones I used in these images.
Chempunk Ogre
Chempunk Scientist
Chempunk Hose
Chemical Tank

The metal pillars are from Printable Heroes -

from reddit /TIL: #TIL a family in Georgia claimed to have passed down a song in an unknown language from the time of their enslavement; scientists identified the song as a genuine West African funeral song in the Mende language that had survived multiple transmissions from mother to daughter over multiple centuries


It is so chilly..... what if we all nestled together for warmth?
Like a colony of rodents

re: video games - Setris 

My only criticism of the game is one that I have of many many many tetris clones and variants: there's no delay between when your piece lands and the next one comes out!

This means it's almost impossible to play in the top third of the board, because one tall piece can come out and instantly land, then the next one comes out and instantly lands on top of that one and then it's game over in 3 frames flat.

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video games - Setris 

Today I have played setris, a really fun tetris spin off game where the blocks are made of sand.
It is so satisfying to watch them crumble to pieces when they land.

The cool twist is that you actually need to get a horizontal line of all one colour in order to clear anything, so it's all about planning out where the sand is going to be and arranging colours to eventually line up

Weh, I don't want to get ready for work.... Maybe i can get away with not showering today

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!