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I made some aperiodic tiling coloring book pages (hat/t-shirt, turtle, polygonal spectre, and curved spectre). I put them on my blog with links to the 3D-printable files as well.

guy who works as a sysadmin, but has no idea what "uptime" is and doesn't want to ask anyone bc what if it's one of those "updog" jokes

Please boost job search June edition 

Happy #Pride month! :alicehearttrans:
I'm not gonna stop making these posts until I get a job! Also, yes, I am applying in other places, not just waiting for suggestions here. Referrals help a lot and this job market is kinda bad! :aliceweh:

  • Comp sci degree
  • 1.5 years as a software test engineer
  • Python and NodeJS for my relevant experince, but I'm a fast learner and know a few others as well (Rust is a new one)
  • Same field, full stack web dev, sysadmin, or dev ops stuff is right up my alley
  • Looking for remote, but can commute (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA)
  • I'm a trans woman, so clear acceptance/queer coworkers are a huge plus

I'm open to contract work and other positions than the ones I listed, but full time would still be best. DM for a resume or any questions, take a look at my site for some examples of things I do!

#GetFediHired #HachyJobs #PrideMonth

aspire to be like Sappho of Lesbos: So gay you get two whole words for the concept of being gay named after you

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Check out this art that I definitely didn’t spend 26 hours on practicing hair textures or anything

I redesigned my character, Dancy!

Please look at the close-ups in the thread I’m begging you Im completely begging for attention

Thanks for stopping by! ❤️🌿

New area rug! I like the touch of color and it goes nicely with the wall clock.

my name's rumplestiltskin and i'm here to say
that you've gotta solve my riddle in a maj--ah wait shit fuck

My new Zoom background - a quilt by Ann Piker (my mother!), featuring the 'hat' aperiodic monotile.

Perpetually jealous of the people who can get ready and go in just 10 minutes

want to commission another pride art for this month but the only leads i have are artists i've already commissioned, anyone have any recommendation for good (and queer) artists with pride ychs?


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!