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Huh, just boosted a toot saying Mastodon is the Gen-X of social media, and that made me realize that I think most of the people that I interact with here are Gen-X like me, or maybe elder millennials. So, it's poll time!

If you are an active Mastodon user, what generation do you consider yourself to be?

I saw a post here (that I can't find) that kinda changed my life.

It said the best first step to changing the world into a better place is to just stop making fun of people. Ever. For anything. Including in your own thoughts that you may never speak aloud.

I try very hard to do this! it's such a stabler and nicer-feeling foundation to my thoughts and my life. It sheds a mental weight/burden I couldn't see before.

Such a great distilled bit of advice for a big concept!

so anyway i saw "calculataur" and had to just go for it

for raptorgirl413 on art fight

A few months ago I started to draw some like, Goo-snail-dragony things.

(image 1 is a commission for @AshBunny, image 3 is a commission for @BatElite)

I woke up feeling weird, so I had a shower and I feel better.

Clean sparkly scales


ok, I'm having an "onion sable" cookie that came with a bunch of japanese snacks.

And the onion flavour is SO STRONG. The description says "you'll be reminded of French Onion Soup"

And that is completely wrong - I've only had 2 little bites and it feels like I've had my tongue submerged in french onion soup for five minutes


My arts so far

Characters are:
Kur/Uma by ElenhEMGA
Heartbreaker by Pixel_Brainzz
APHELION NEUTRINO by quietheaven
Hunter by MidnightCollies

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The mermaid snuggled with the werewolf.

"Wouldn't you like us to go for a moonlit swim," the werewolf asked, noting how dried out the mermaid was.

"But then you wouldn't be as fluffy!"

"I knew it, you're just using me as a fur-pillow!"

The mermaid gasped dramatically, "You've figured out my scheme!"

"I throw myself to the waves in betrayed anguish!"

"Oh no, I'll rescue you!"

They giggled as they had a moonlit swim after all.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #SFF #UrbanFantasy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!